Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Feeling like I've been beaten with a stick for last two days......

It got so bad I almost stopped answering my phone today. It started yesterday with my sister Ann being taken to the hospital with breathing issues. Turns out her left lung had collapsed due to the fluid built up around it - she could barely breath. Then I was told a friend (since 1967)who is my age had been taken to the hospital and was on life support. We didn't see each other as much but kept in touch from time to time. She was always so interested in my children and Page2 and was good about keeping up with people's children. She had been battling different health issues for the past few years but this was a real shock. I spoke with a dear older friend who had surgery this past Friday to let her know about my friend since she had known her even longer than I had. Got out in service today with a heavy heart. Spoke with my friend who gave me an update on the friend on life support. The family was going to decide whether to take her off life support. That hit kind of hard. I waited until a little after noon to call my sister who is in the hospital. They were going to perform some surgery on her to re-inflate her lung and put a drainage tube in her chest to get rid of the fluids. She said she was already breathing better since her breathing treatment and they had on her oxygen. Then my friend called me to say my friend had died around 1:55pm. Leah called to give me the results of some tests Page had taken and what the plan would be for next year. Then one of my studies called to tell me they were doing tests on her 7 year old daughter to determine if she had lupus or another auto-immune disease. I decided service was the best place for me and even went on a later study with Gail. I spoke with Page1 and Kurt tonight about my sister and my friend. I was doing okay until I got on the computer a little bit ago and her youngest daughter had sent me a sweet message telling me all about her death and how they were all with her, touching her and telling her how much they loved her. That was it - that was all she wrote. Since I can't stop crying, I think I need to go to bed now.....Sending love and prayers to everyone.....

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