Friday, May 20, 2011

Where to begin...

This has actually been a very good week.  We have had great weather for the most part, good calls in service - especially yesterday and today, and I actually feel good!!!  I have been sleeping in the back room on the old Somma mattress for several weeks and it has been good.  Not sure if it is the mattress, the smaller windows that make the room darker, being so far from the light of the TV and "snoring" or it being a little quieter back there.  I've decided to just keep sleeping back there since the kids will be coming down the end of next month.  My bed has all clean linens, quilts, blankets and even mattress cover on it.  BigD has been down at Oak Island since Tuesday with Steve.  They have been fishing every day and the weather has been great. They plan to come back tomorrow but we'll see.
I wanted to share an older picture a friend put on FB. The woman in the middle laughing lived here for a short period of time many years ago but she has always had a very special in my heart. She is not only beautiful physically but in every aspect of her life. The beautiful woman behind her in the white sweater and peach colored dress is Pansy - a wonderful woman who had 2 sons and 5 beautiful girls.  I have always felt close to one of her sons and all of her daughters.  As a matter of fact, the gorgeous woman to the side in the multicolored dress is her oldest daughter. I never got to know her as well as I did the others but have always felt a kinship with all of them.  My mother was also a beautiful strong woman who gave birth to 5 strong women who watched her live
with a man who could be ---- hmmm  -- what word am I looking for?  A man who could be "difficult" and a challenge to live with at times.  Sadly, we have lost both Mama and Pansy. They live on not only in our memories and our hearts but in the people we have become.  I hope they would both be proud of us. This is another picture of her when she was a little younger. She lives in Atlanta now and is just as lovely as when she was younger. I also had the treat of being with Ruth several times this past week. She was here for the week with her Mom and had dinner with me and BigD one night and then with me alone another. It was great getting caught up and sharing a laugh or too. I've been planning to get down there for years now and it is crazy. Page and Bentley are on Peaks Island off the coast of Maine. I know they are having a good time. Can't wait to see the pictures. Leah and I have been talking a lot about what we are going to do this summer regarding Page2. She will be with me quite a bit (Whoo Hoo) and we are coming up with plans to make sure she not only has fun but keeps up with her guitar lesson, reading, and getting back home several times to be with her Mom and Dad. She will be going to Washington, DC and New York with her Gma and Papa as soon as she gets out of school and very soon after that will be here for the family reunion after which she may be staying. Since Roseanne and I are going to their DC as well as ours, she will be there for that. Yep - it's going to be a very busy summer!
Since this picture Kurt sent me is proof that she is working around the house with them gives me some ideas for things to keep her busy. LOLOL Just kidding guys.

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