Saturday, December 22, 2012

Getting there....

So today I woke up determined I was going to accomplish more than I did yesterday and I did. I put all the clean towels and washcloths in the bathroom chest, put all of my clean clothes away, put all of Dwight's clean clothes in his room and/or drawers, got rid of tons of old paperwork that had piled up on my desk while organizing the rest of it, and put the clean dishes in the drainer away. Then I got a shower and put some nice clean clothes on. I was happy to see Camryn with Debbie when she came to clean today. She goes to year-round school and is out for a three week break. It gave us a chance to talk a little and get caught up. I think she is looking forward to going to middle school next year. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am we have made Debbie cleaning every other week and permanent thing. Now that she lets us pay her like the other people she cleans for do, Dwight and I are both thrilled. There is nothing like a freshly cleaned house. After they left, I went for a walk in the yard.
These are just two examples of the roots that are in our backyard. Many of them are no longer attached to a tree (we had some removed) but they are still there.
This is just one more that I thought was interesting looking. The sun was nice a bright but I still needed my coat and found the breeze to be a little chilly. I also watered the few plants I still have and was a little sad to find
there are only three little blooms left on the pretty orchid Carmen gave me. I need to get in touch with my Orchid Whisperer to see what I'm doing wrong. My dear friend Mimi and her daughter Mi called me tonight and we had a very uplifting and fun conversation. She is still recovering from painful hip surgery but sounded great. They both sounded good. Dwight got me to order him a small extra cheese, pepperoni pizza from Papa John's tonight after he went over to his friends for a little bit. He cut me three tiny pieces off and I ate the topping off of them. They were pretty good. Douglas called me earlier today and we got caught up. They are coming down Friday night late but have to get back home Sunday night because he has to work on Monday. I can't wait to see them. I am so hoping they will go with me Sunday - it would be nice to have my family with me at the Hall.

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