Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chatty Patty II

I have definitely become a "chatty patty" lately and don't like it at all. It is a "condition" that many women in my family suffers from time to time. One has it to such an extreme that it is hard to be in her company for any period of time. Kelly and I have talked about it and recently - when I realized I was doing it again, I asked Dwight to please help me with it. We have decided he will just say "talking" and hopefully I will hear that "trigger" word
and shut up. I do hope it works.  What a hoot - I did not remember there was a Chatty Patty doll. I only remembered the Chatty Cathy one.  I don't know whether that makes me feel better or worse. :)
I had a great visit yesterday evening from this sweet young man. His Mom told me Thursday that he had something for me and wanted to come over. He made me a big picture that is depicts the two of us on a porch in service together. The words at the top are telling me that he hopes I feel better and wants to help me in anyway that I need. That he and his Mom will come clean my house and he will mow my grass and do weed eating because his Dad has taught him how to do that. The other picture he drew and painted but wasn't planning to give it to me so I asked him if I could have it too. I have them on my refrigerator. He is growing so fast. It is hard to believe he is a year younger than Page2.
His Mom works so hard with all three of her children. They go camping, to museums, the zoo, swimming and is just tireless when it comes to her little family. She is a wonderful artist and is now making actual money with it. We always have fun when we get together and can talk forever - Oops!
I love both sides of her business card. She uses an overhead projector to put the outlines she has drawn for wall murals on the wall and uses it to do a beautiful job. She also does face painting and has lately added pregnant belly's for expectant mothers who may be having photographs made or just for fun. I wanted to put her business card here so that anyone who reads my blog will know how to reach her for any kids party or event they may be having.

1 comment:

  1. never heard of a chatty patty, but definitely the chatty Kathy, so there ya go! Let's find a positive to all this chattiness shall we? In my humble opinion, I think it's because you're feeling better, not like completely better, but you have been reducing your meds a lot in the past months, how do you think your brain feels to not be so drugged up all the time? You're active mentally and you've got a lot to say after being out of it for so long, so you're getting it out :) Love you!


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