Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Atlantic Beach - Day 4

Slept pretty good again last night. I had to take my medication once in the night but went right back to sleep and woke up pretty early.
When I came into the living room, I noticed that Jessie was sleeping in my chair. Poor baby - I keep trying to get them to sleep in my room but they insist they want me to sleep in the bed. I went on the porch to welcome another beautiful day.
Dwight joined me with his first cup of coffee.  This isn't the first time I've realized I don't have a cup of coffee with Dwight in the mornings anymore.  I haven't missed it that much until this morning. We both love it down here at this time of day. He fixed a nice breakfast for everyone and I decided to try some of Jessie's apple butter.
I took the bottom part of a biscuit and ate just a tiny bit of the crusty part and licked the rest of the apple butter off. Yum. I tasted the grits too but man - too many little pieces. Still finding some in my mouth and throat. Arrghhh.
This is what Doug's leg looked like this morning so we talked him into going to Urgent Care just to be safe. He came home bandaged again and with antibiotics, bandages and a very sore arm from the tetanus shot they gave him. They mentioned stitches but he told them he didn't think he needed them.
My niece Monica (who is a nurse and yes - we called her to get her "expert" opinion) posted this picture of Kurt when he was a little boy on my Mama's front porch with his little doctor kit on FB. I'm very happy he went to the doctor so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
This is the other medication Douglas came home with - a big box of Whitman's Chocolates. YUM.
I decided to try a piece of chocolate and guess what? It tasted good! That is a first - every time I've tried to eat any chocolate it has tasted terrible. I couldn't eat the inside - it was too sticky to the inside of my dry mouth but I did eat all the chocolate candy coating - with lots of water.
Two of my pretty girls relaxing after a big breakfast. After Douglas left to go to Urgent Care, Jessie and Dwight took off in the boat to find some bait. We figured they would also fish a little and they did. Jessie loves to fish almost as much as Dwight and Douglas.
While everyone was gone, Kelly pulled out the art supplies for her and Page and this is what she drew and painted! I think it is good! She followed the style of an artist whose blog we follow. Douglas got back around the time she finished and I'm really not sure what he is doing in this picture. :)
I snatched this of Dwight from Doug's FB page. The caption said "Crab and a glass o NC iced tea." 
Later in the afternoon big clouds started moving in and the wind picked up a little. Pretty soon came the lightening and a very heavy rain.
Within minutes, we had a beautiful rainbow which was the only evidence of the quick storm we had.
Dwight made the sauce and cut up some potatoes. Doug chopped some slaw and cabbage for Dwight to make some of his delicious coleslaw and they got the grill ready for the chickens.
This is the only kind of grill Dwight likes for cooking his chicken.  Douglas was put in charge of doing the chickens tonight. Dwight wanted to see how good he is at it since he has been fixing it on his own at home. Dwight said it was delicious! I know that made Douglas feel good. Yep - I tried to eat a little. Took a tiny bite of the slaw (I love the taste but too many little pieces), a teeny taste of the mashed potatoes (glue) and a teeny bite of the chicken (eh). My kids are just happy that I'm trying to eat stuff. There is a family with small children next door and down at the other cottage so they were all on the porch at the same time. Page enjoyed having other kids to play with but soon it was time to come in. I ate another piece of candy and almost finished the whole thing!
As everything was winding down, Page climbed in my lap and we kept trying to take a self portrait. They kept looking worse with every try so this is as good as it got.   
Dwight, Douglas and Page have all gone to sleep while
Kelly and Jessie make jewelry. I love that my two "daughters" get along so well with each other. As soon as we realized how serious she and Douglas were about each other, we considered Jessie to be one of our own. I have loved her since the beginning even though she told me she was very nervous the first time she met me. Thankfully, that didn't last anytime at all.  Kelly and Jessie just went to bed and after I finish my Ensure, I'll be joining them.  Sleep tight everyone......

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time!! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying your time together. AND, I'm so proud that you are trying plenty of different food items...slowly but surely, you'll get there! And then, we can all be in Weight Watchers TOGETHER!! Love Love


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